Thursday, November 13, 2008

Double Croup!!

Well, it is officially 1:00am Friday morning! Chad and I have been up for the last hour with MacKenna. She has full blown croup and sounds like a barking seal. This time last weekend the kids were with Aunt Kayla in Midland and we had to make a middle of the night trip there because Gage woke up with croup and landed himself in the E.R. MacKenna is back to bed now, but I am up listening to her on the monitor for a while just to make sure she doesn't get worse. We have done it all tonight......steamed up the bathroom and hung out in there for a while, then we went outside all bundled up to breath the cool air while Chad went to get another humidifier (cause the one we have is in use in Gage's room), and we did a few breathing treatments. So after all of that and several prayers along the way I hope she can get some rest tonight.

This is a little off the subject, but I am just sitting here thinking how different mommy's and daddy's are. We have been up the past hour listening to Mac wheeze and have difficulty breathing and doing everything to treat it......I now after all of that am still sitting up listening to her on the monitor just to make sure. I just can't roll over and go to sleep, (unlike Chad who is snoring so stinkin' loud right now). A snore that loud seems like it should hurt? Now don't get me wrong.....Chad is a wonderful daddy and amazes me with the kids, it's just that mommy's can't do that.

***Ok I am cracking up now, because he just woke himself up snoring and sat up to wipe the slobber off his face....haa! We have only been in bed for about 20 minutes tops! That's great! Sorry to make fun of you is just really funny! I love ya.

I am going to go check on her one more time and try to get some sleep myself. Say a prayer she will fell better soon.
Funny she is smiling because she loved the mask!
She watched Gage wear it all
week and she thinks it is her turn!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Trucks and Tee Tee!

This title sums up our day so far! It is only 11 am, but so far today we have spent the morning playing monster trucks and letting MacKenna run around without a diaper so she can tee tee when she wants. Gage loves monster trucks.......and when I say love I mean it in a possibly un-normal, obsessive, compulsive, goofy kinda way. He LOVES 'em! When Gage plays monster trucks you would think he gets them all out and drives them and jumps them over things......nope......he likes to get them out and line them up perfectly. He can't stand for them to be out of line. He knows all of there names and knows the drivers of most of's a little embarrassing and redneck!

I can't seem to keep MacKenna from taking her clothes off these days, which is something I should try to get under control now so this doesn't pose a problem later in the teen years. She is constantly saying tee tee tee tee. She then takes off her diaper and stands in front of her potty holding something she doesn't have. It makes me laugh every time! I have to say Mac girls sit on the potty, so sit down. Each time she replies, " Oh Oh." This sounds really selfish, but I am not ready for her to be potty trained yet. I am not sure if she will be my last, but it makes me sad she is growing up so fast. I am not sure when she got so big? It reminds me to be thankful for every second I have got to stay home with them and watch them grow every day!

So today we will keep playing monster trucks and let Mac stay diaper free. We will see how many times I have to clean tee tee up. I have set the kitchen timer to go off every 15 minutes so I can remind her to go and maybe this will help.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

No More Sweets to Eat......Please!!

Halloween was a sucess! The doodlebops were a hit and Gage and Mac had a blast. Gage corrected me all night long and told me his name was not was Rooney Doodle! MacKenna loved her pink hair and worked it like it was her job! She knew she looked good....ha! We went downtown for a while and tricker treated the stores, then after that made a few stops by friends we have enough candy to put them both into a diabetic coma! I am sure for the next few weeks they won't let those candy bags out of their site. Here are a few pics from the night.....