Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Why we invite Gage's friends over....

Today Gage and Mac's friend Cali spent the day with us because her mommy was home sick. I actually think I will inviter her over more frequently......the girl is a cleaning machine!! She followed me around all day asking what she could do to help me, so after a while, I put her to work. We cleaned the kids rooms, my room, and the bathroom! She actually inspired my kids, they wanted to help too. I should be ashamed to show you these pictures because my laundry mess is HUGE.....but were friends and family right??

Thanks Miss Cali....hope your mommy feels better soon!

1 comment:

The Pence Family said...

oh thats so much fun...i love to see other children inspire rustin...but when i worked i had cloths like that so don't have 4 people in the time ya'll get a free day hollar at us...