God is so good! This past weekend my kids went to stay with my sister Kayla in Midland and they had a fun time.....even got to see Mimi, Pops, and cousin Brock while they were there. I met Kayla in Lamesa (half way) to get them on Monday, and just as I was headed out of Lamesa on the way home a car ran a stop sign. I was on the highway so I was going about 65mph. I was already at the intersection when she ran the stop sign so I couldn't stop in time. The first thing that crossed my mind was that I was going to have to swerve to avoid hitting her.....but I really felt the Lord tell me very clearly " Do not swerve." I did not swerve and I did hit her. She had minor injuries and the kids and I were all untouched. Gage was pretty shaken up, but not a scratch on either of them! The car was not drivable afterwards, so it was towed to a yard there in town. Once Chad came to pick us up, we went to clean out the car since we had to leave it in Lamesa. As I opened the back hatch to our car I saw something that I had forgotten all about. (Chad and Kayla's husband Kurt often have to meet each other in Lamesa to swap parts that have been completed for Hytek) Since I was going to Lamesa anyway Chad just asked Kurt to send the parts with Kayla to give to me. In the back of our car lay about 10 pieces of heavy, sharp angle iron. It hadn't occured to me until that moment that I opened the back of the car how lucky we were that we didn't roll the car. Then I remembered the Lord telling me not to swereve.......had I swereved we propably would have rolled going 60mph and the angle iron would have flown all over the car.
I am so thankful that God is so good. He knows what we need and how to take care of us. I am so greatful for His mercy and grace. I give Him all the glory for our safety. I don't think we were just lucky......I know that the hand of the Lord was upon us.
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